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Acting videos
Mick Cusimano E-mail 617-789-4107

  • Reel
  • Sixties
  • Yuppies
  • Cloning
  • Napping
  • Suspicious Minds

    Acting reel/Resume Mick Cusimano

    Mick Cusimano is a filmmaker who has acted in his own and other films by local filmmakers. Also15 years experience doing performance poetry on the East Coast. If asked how people typecast him it’s as a mad scientist or professor type.

    The White Lady (La Dama Bianca)
    film by Jennifer Gjulameti extra 2013
    Monkey Do Monkey Don’t Anthropology professor 2012
    Mermaids of Atlantis guy who brings a mermaid home 2010
    Grounded film by Ned Scannel extra 2010
    Cloning Around film by Kevin Anderton scientist 2007
    Performer with the Fire of Prometheus poet troupe 15 years
    Improv acting class Harvard extension School 2011

    Contact: mcusiman24@yahoo.com
